چهارشنبه، مرداد ۱۸، ۱۳۸۵

عیسی مسیح تاریخی و اسطوره ای

Who has been the historical and mythical Jesus Christ?

The answer is:

Judas the zealot of Galilee, son of Zipporai and the holy young god Adonis

According to Josefus Flavius (A Jewish historian in the first century) Jesus Christ can only be a nickname as Josefus covers all important events and prominent people in Judaea during the first century but he doesn’t know anyone who actually goes by the name Jesus Christ.* Thus it becomes important to find the true historical name of Jesus Christ. This is an important mystery for the whole world. A group of historians don’t believe that there at all has been a man with the name or epithet Jesus Christ with his similar characters. Albert Schweitzer says: “The man Jesus of Nazareth, who appeared as the Messiah, proclaimed the morality of the kingdom of heavens and founded the kingdom of heavens on earth and finally died to give his lifework its final sanctity, this man has never existed.” A second group who are deep believers in the New Testament have no doubts that Jesus Christ has been a demigod/ half man in the beginning of our chronology with the same traits of character described in the New Testament. I, myself, belong to a third group who believe that there is an historical core about Jesus Christ in the New Testament in the way that there existed a Jewish revolutionary regional leader in Palestine with the majority of the characteristics of Jesus Christ. One can prove that this revolutionary priest originally has been Judas, son of Zipporai who is the founder of the zealot party. This means that he lived twice as long as has former been believed and that he has had a family and children.

*If you put aside those false appendixes about Jesus Christ and John the Baptist in Julius Flavius’s other work “The history of the ancient Jews”.

Judas, son of Zipporai, is the historical Jesus Christ

Judas of Galilee, who made a political and cultural rebellion in Jerusalem in 5 A.D. and between 6 and 30 A.D., was not the same Judas of Galilee who fought the Romans between 4 A.D. and 6 A.D. It is a great mistake to draw a parallel between these two and this has caused the history of religions big problems because the first and the unknown Judas of Galilee is he true historical Jesus Christ while the other Judas of Galilee originally has his origin in the town of Gamala, east of the Lake Kinnert (Lake of Galilee). His father was Hezekiah who was a robber and was killed by Herod the Great. According to Josefus Flavius and the Acts of the Apostles this Judas of Galilee opened the king’s cloth house in the town Sepforis in Galilee and armed his people but he was conquered and beaten by Quinctilius Varus, Roman governor of Syria from 4 B.C. until 6 A.D.

The first Judas of Galilee, who we put side by side with Judas, son of Zipporai, was a famous priest/philosopher and his struggle against the Romans was very much on an ideological level. Josefus Flavius (37 -100 A.D.) tells of him as follows.


Judas of Galilee. The three Jewish religious parties

When the Arkelai area was transformed into a province a Roman knight by the name of Koponius was sent there as governor and granted unlimited power by the emperor. During his time (6-9 A.D.) a certain Galilean by the name of Judas seduced his countrymen to apostasy in claiming it to be a shame paying taxes to the Romans and recognised mortal men as their governors as well as god. He founded his own sect which had nothing to do with the other sects.***

*** This is one of those passages in which Josefus deliberately conceals the real facts.

Once again Josefus on Judas of Galilee and his son Manaim:

A certain Manaim (Menahem), a son of the famous sophist (scribe) Judas with the surname the Galilee had once, during the governorship of Quirinius, reproached the Jews for obeying both God and the Romans. With his disciples he went to Massada, opened king Herod’s cloth house and armed his own countrymen and foreign robbers and returned as a leader of these groups, which were his body guards, to Jerusalem as if he was a king…

This scribe Judas who founded the Zealot Party (the eager supporters) must be Judas son of Zipporai whose students tore down the golden eagle (the symbol of the Roman Empire) from the gate of the famous temple in Jerusalem and smashed into pieces.

The encyclopaedia of Judaica on Judas and his students:

JUDAH, SON OF ZIPPORAI (first century), patriot.

According to Josephus, Judah was a sophist of highest reputation among the Jews, an unrivalled interpreter of their ancestral laws, and educator of the youth. Taking advantage of Herod’s illness (4 B.C.E) he, together with his friend and fellow scholar Matthias son of Margalot, persuaded their disciples to pull down the gold eagle, the symbol of Rome, which Herod had erected over the great gate of the Temple, since it was contrary to Jewish law. The two scholars together with their disciples were burnt alive on the command of Herod shortly before his death.

In “The Jews war against the Romans” Josefus says indirectly that Judas, his friend Matthew and some of their students were burnt by King Herod the Great:

Much unwillingly the king agreed to this: he had them burned alive who had flung themselves on to the roof and those scribes mentioned; the others who had been prisoners he left to the hangman to be executed. *

*The place where this sentence went into completion was Jericho, northwest of Jerusalem.

But when Josefus tells more of this event in The History of the Ancient Jews he only refers to: Matthew and some of his pupils were burnt to death and many were executed. They were at least 40.

Judas, son of Zipporai and some of his followers escaped from the event and they went south into Egypt, possibly to the Sinai Desert to the independent Semi Armenian and Semi Arabic Nabatheans. Whatever, Judas and his followers came surely to Judaea after 6 A.D. when Arkelaos, son of Herod the Great, was dethroned.

The following points will for sure show that Jesus, son of Zipporai, has been the historical Jesus Christ.

1- Judas was, like Jesus, born in Galilee.
2- He had disciples who wandered with him on long trips to different cities in Palestine.
3- His followers recognised him as a religious, political leader for the entire Judaea.
4- In the Gospel according to Sr. Matthew, 14, it says: “Then came the disciples of John the Baptist (i.e. Matthew’s students) to collect the body of John the Baptist and bury it and they went to Jesus to tell him what had happened. When Jesus heard the news he went by boat to a remote place to be for himself.” Judas, son of Zipporai, managed however to escape the wrath of King Herod the Great but his friend Matthew and 40 of his disciples were burnt to death or executed.
5- As stated Herod ordered to execute around 40 of Judas’s and Matthew’s young pupils at the time of Jesus’ birth. According to the Gospel of St. Matthew Josef and Mary and the newborn Jesus fled to Egypt while the other newborn children in Bethlehem were killed by King Herod’s soldiers.
6- In his own time Judas was a highly learned a famous man among the Jews and he tried to reform the society and culture of the Jews and make it free from Romanization.
7- According to Judas’s teaching it was a shame that they paid taxes to the Romans and acknowledged mortal men as their governors beside God. This message is comparable to the Acts of the Apostles 29:5 which states a response from Peter and the Apostles: “It is more important to obey God than to obey men”.
8- According to the Gospel of Marc Jesus of Nazareth in Galilee one day came to the Jordan River to be baptized by John. In the moment Jesus rose from the water he saw the heavens open and the Holy Spirit came down like a dove over him and a voice from heaven said: “you are my beloved son. You are the chosen one.” We know that Judas’s father’s name, i.e. “Zipporai” which is a bird’s name and “Judas” means the promised one.
9- Two of Judas’s sons who ruled the Zealot Party were crucified by the Romans around 47 A.D. Their names were Simon and Jacob (James). We know that they were considered to be brothers to Jesus Christ in the New Testament. It is interesting that they also have a brother named Judas.
10- As we have stated earlier Judas’s and Matthew’s followers threw down the golden eagle placed over the famous temple entrance in Jerusalem and smashed it into pieces. In Matthew 12:21 it is stated: “Then Jesus went into the temple in Jerusalem and forced the merchants out and threw the moneychangers’ tables over as well as the booths were doves were sold.” According to the historians there has never been anything for sale in the temple in Jerusalem. The only historical facts must be the destruction of the golden eagle by Judas’s and Matthew’s followers.
11- Judas’s name means praised and promised and is synonymous to Jesus which means the saviour.
12- According to the Gospel of Matthew only Jesus’ name Nazarene (Galilee) has been mentioned after his return from Egypt. Thus Judas, son of Zipporai (the historical Jesus Christ) has not been mentioned as the Galilean before.

A thorough analysis of the myths of Adonis and the evangelical tales you can find a combination between the Adonis cult and early Christianity:
According to the famous Phoenician and Greek Adonis myth, Syria had a king by the name of Téias (god).Aphrodite (goddess of love) forced his daughter Mira to be lover to Téias for twelve dark nights. After twelve nights Téias realized that the lady was his own daughter. He decided to kill her but she ran away. She took her escape to the gods. They transformed her into the Myrrhe tree. (Myrrh tree) After ten months she gave birth to “Adonis” (the lord). Aphrodite, who was astonished over the beauty of the child, transferred him to Persephone (the goddess of the underworld) for caretaking. Thus there was a conflict between these goddesses but the poetry goddess Calliope (according to other stories Zeus himself) solved this conflict thus: Adonis lives a third of the year with the underworld goddess Persephone and the third remaining for himself to choose. He chose to be with Aphrodite during this free time.

Based on the Phoenician cult Adonis died on a special day but rose the day after his death. The Phoenicians mourned and celebrated these two days: The day he died they mourned him, the women cried while the men arranged burial ceremonies. They used an image of him. The day after they celebrated the resurrection of Adonis while lifting up the Adonis image.*

*Sir James George Frazer: Adonis. Attis. Osiris. London 1907.

It is plausible that the word Adonis (the lord), another name on the god of the Phoenicians Baal (the lord) and a natural nickname on Judas, son of Zipporai, unites the god Adonis to the philosopher Judas, and that these two divine and priestly dimensions together formed the divine and human sides of Jesus Christ. Christianity of course put this Adonis myth and Adonis cult to make it their own. In this Adonis myth one can compare Téias, Mira, Myrrhe* and Persephone to the New Testament’s God-Herod, Mary, Misraim (Egypt) and “Josef” (Jesus Christ “educator”). This connection and mix was probably done in time the evangelist St. Mark as Mark’s own mother was named Mary and his beloved uncle Josef, who according to the Acts of the Apostles got the nickname Preacher Barnabas. These three individuals (Mark whose real name was John, Mary, and Josef) were together with Peter and Paul influential and important ideologists for Christianity’s existence and progress.

According to the Gospel of Matthew 11:2 the three wise men from the east brought with them myrrh as a gift to the newborn Christ. Mary (Mariam) means holy mother in Syrian. She is actually the Greeks Demeter (“holy mother”) who raises a Greek child belonging to the nobility by the opposite name to Jesus, i.e. Demophone (the people killer). His own mother’s name is Metharina (the away planted).


If one removes the myths of Adonis from the Gospels the rest of the plot concentrates on Judas, son of Zipporai. Judas of Galilee, who was killed by Quinctilius Varus 5 A.D., was not the same Judas of Galilee appearing 6 A.D. and who was the founder of the Zealot Party: This Judas of Galilee appeared simultaneously as Quirinius was governor of Syria instead of the above mentioned Quinctilius Varus. This Judas of Galilee which is equalled to Judas, son of Zipporai, is the historical Jesus Christ.

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