جمعه، دی ۰۲، ۱۴۰۱

معنی محتمل آنکارا

از معانی هتیتی و سنسکریتی اجزاء نامهای قدیم آنکارا یعنی آنکواش و آنکوره چنین بر می آید که نامهای آنجا به معنی محل مرتع و کشتزار بوده اند:
aniya- (I 4) : to act, create, work, achieve; − to make grow (a plant) (id. KIN).
wesi- (c. wash) : pasture (grass).
कुश m. kusha grass
kuer- (I 1 c) : to harvest.
kuera- (c.) : countryside (id. A.KÀR).
Ankara'nın olası anlamı
Ankara'nın eski isimleri olan Ankwash ve Ankure'nin bileşenlerinin Hititçe ve Sanskritçe anlamlarından, oradaki isimlerin otlak ve tarla anlamına geldiği anlaşılmaktadır:
aniya- (I 4) : to act, create, work, achieve; - to make grow (a plant) (id. KIN).
wesi- (c. wash): pasture (grass).
कुश m. kusha grass
kuer- (I 1 c) : to harvest.
kuera- (c.) : countryside (id. A.KÀR).
Possible meaning of Ankara
From the Hittite and Sanskrit meanings of the components of the old names of Ankara, namely Ankwash and Ankure, it appears that the names there meant pastures and fields:
aniya- (I 4) : to act, create, work, achieve; - to make grow (a plant) (id. KIN).
wesi- (c. wash): pasture (grass).
कुश m. kusha grass
kuer- (I 1 c) : to harvest.
kuera- (c.) : countryside (id. A.KÀR).

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